where u all have been waiting..So.. i dont breed hamsters anymore cause currently i have been putting my effort and investing on Romeo and Juliet (my rats), they are really worth my time which i never regrettedNot found commonly in Singapore? hence i would try my best to teach and pass down my knowledge.and maybe intending to reintroduce campbells dwafts hamster later onwelcoming pet suppliers updating hamster informations box on the right >> with some rats informations~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Six babies were born
5 to 6 weeks for collection, as they were born a few mins ago!
only $30 each! SOLD
left two males up for adoption FREE. giving away both together as lonely rats dont live long and the fact that male rats dont fight.
reasons of giving, Juliet gave birth to another 10.! born on 13 March 2010.
a little give away as i reopen this petshop
Rest assure all are in pink health and they don't bite, a little something to trade with would be minimalgoods hamster food or corn cob bedding if possible thanks =)